Birth Partners

Some women actively choose their birth companion, for others it’s just assumed that your partner will do it. 

However, it’s not in everyone’s skillset and it can feel a lot of pressure on one person, exciting and daunting in the same breath. If they’re not comfortable with what’s going on, how are they going to be equipped to deliver their best care for you and meet your needs?

Attending antenatal education, reading books and understanding the process of birth can greatly benefit birth companions but they need emotional support too. 

As your doula, I become their doula too. Here are a number of ways I can help support your birth partner:

🌟 Reassurance & encouragement
🌟 Making suggestions
🌟 Help things that might be forgotten get remembered
🌟 Sharing the load; you might want the time between your surges timed, the birth pool filled, a cold glass of water and not to be left alone all in the same moment. I help get things done. 
🌟 Guilt free breaks; birth can be long and, dare I say, sometimes boring, being able to step away from supporting you by giving an opportunity to recharge and rest to be in the best place to give you what you need without feeling they’re abandoning you.
🌟 Prioritise their basic needs; food, sleep, water, fresh air
🌟 Company, to share the experience with that’s independent & not medically involved.
🌟 Capturing photographs and the unique moments of your birth as it unfolds that you may otherwise miss or forget.
🌟 A small number of babies and mothers are separated from birth and require extra care, I will stay with you so your companion can stay with your baby.

Whether you’re a birth partner visiting this page because you’re preparing to be a Roman pillar of support, or if you’re anxious about how things might unfold, perhaps you’re a bit of both. Get in touch today to book a connection call.

You may both have days, weeks, even months of interrupted sleep, frustrations and learnings ahead of you, why not get things off to a great start?


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