Getting to know you

Our initial consultation is a friendly getting-to-know you chat, to see whether share similar values, humour and a personal connection.

I’ve written this short little post to help quell any nerves you might have when we first meet. Firstly, I’d like to remind you that I’m just another human, and someone who wants to help. Also I’m probably a little nervous too. It’s important to know I’m not judging you and there’s no need to justify yourself, your decisions or circumstances.

I’m interested to hear about what brings you to the point of considering a postnatal doula. Some other useful things you might want to tell me about;

  • Your pregnancy journey and birth plan.

  • Who you live with; a partner, other children, pets, grandparents.

  • Activities you enjoy

  • How you cope with stressful situations.

  • Any personal challenges you have; a disability, health condition, dyslexia, previous trauma, allergies or phobias.

Relationships take time to develop, but feeling comfortable and reassured in my company is a good start to being compatible as doula & client.

This may be your first opportunity to practise listening to your maternal instincts. Trust your intuition; if you don’t feel I’m the right doula for you, I promise I won’t be offended.

Exploring your options is not a waste of my time. If, following our chat, your decision is not to pursue, please know that my support will continue to be available if you change your mind.

Finally, I look forward to meeting you.



Understanding your priorities